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We believe in connecting as the church family not through programs & ministries, but through genuine fellowship and doing life together. We encourage every member of our church family to engage with others and enjoy friendship, bible reading, prayer, and communion together.
Begin engaging with this church family today!
Doing LifeTogether


The Element - Young Adults
The season of life after high school is an incredible and unique time in life that we want to be intentionally invested in with you! The young adults at Rock believe in being the authentic church that God desires. We do life together and invite all 18-30 year olds to join us every Monday night at 7pm.

Family Ministry
This ministry is intended to help parents, marriages, and families to focus and center their relationship and be in alignment with God's word.
For more resources and tools follow our family page on Instagram and Facebook @rockfamilyministry

Senior Ministry
Our Senior ministry focuses on the fellowship needs of the older generation. We love getting together for friendship and enjoy potluck dinners, games, shows, and sometimes just go out to see the scenery to enjoy the blessings of our Creator and time in the fellowship of this “timeless” generation! Come join us for friendship, worship, & food during our next Seniors Lunch.
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